How to take photographs of waterfalls in Costa Rica | Be part of nature

Pose time, shutter speed, ISO, diaphragm or tripod. So many questions! Can the photo turn out to be another way to look at the world? Can your camera lens become a third eye for a new look? The huge richness of the ecosystem of Costa Rica deserves to bear another perception. Among these wonderful landscapes, there are so many waterfalls! Ideal for photography, […]

Howler monkeys on a daily routine

Singe hurleur au Costa Rica

You’re not dreaming, this hoarse and guttural scream that wakes you up in the morning, is indeed that of our small neighbors, the howler monkeys. They are always observable and yet they stay at a safe distance, in the trees, because their food is exclusively made of leaves, flowers and fruits… Noisy neighbors but whose […]